It’s Soakbox Knit-A-Long Time!

Ready needles, Set your patterns, and GO! It’s Soakbox knit-a-long time!

We gave you a bit of a teaser last week, but we are happy to announce the official beginning of our Soakbox knit along! For the next three months (to work upto your holiday knitting!) we will be posting lots of information about Soakboxes. We will have a feature on each box over the next two weeks with lots of tips and tricks to help you knit a great pair of mitts. After that we will be posting regularly about what you can do with your Soakboxes, fun activities and events and more information about how they came to be.

Don’t have a Soakbox yet? You can get it right from us, or ask for it at your LYS by name.

In addition to posting regular information here, we will also be posting and talking over in our Ravelry group. We would love for you to hop on over and post any questions, comments and photos that you have about knitting up your Soakboxes!

On twitter (@soakwash) and instagram (@jacqueline_soak) we would love for you to use the #soakbox so that we can all find eachother.

If you have a blog and you write a post about knitting up your Soakbox we would love to hear about it. You can post about it in the Ravelry group, tweet it at us, post in the comments, or even send us an email (natalieATsoakwashDOTcom) about it. We would love to hear from you.

I (Natalie) have my ball all wound and ready to knit Double Pointe Pink. I was the hands for the photos, so it only feels right to have my own pair!

Ready for the knitalong!

We pinned down Fiona Ellis, the woman behind the designs of our mitts, and recorded a video for each of the patterns. Fiona has graciously offered to drop in via Skype to yarn shops and groups that are doing their own knit-a-longs and Soakbox events. You can send her an email at  fiona.ellisATsympaticoDOTca to set something up.  

As a grand kick off for the knit along we are going to run a contest. That means that you could win a Soakbox to knit up or gift, or both! We will be doing a random draw here on the soakworthy blog for two kits (Double Pointe Pink and Clark Cable), as well as a draw for one the other two kits on the Lorna’s Laces blog. Each of the kits will be personally signed by Fiona! You can enter the contest all this week. We will close the comments and draw a name Monday at midnight.  All you have to do to enter here is to answer the following question in a comment on this post. What is your preference: french manicure, or solid colour for your nails?

Soakbox Giveaway

For a chance to win one of the other two sets, visit and follow the instructions there.

May your hands be soft, fibers fresh and nails match your knits.

101 Comments on “It’s Soakbox Knit-A-Long Time!”

  1. Fiona says:

    Wow I sound so…..English 😉

  2. Lisa Soderman says:

    When I do wear polish, I definitely like french manicures! What a great contest! Thanks!

  3. Doris says:

    Definitely French manicures unless it’s a special occassion – then try to match with outfit.

  4. flo flory says:

    Solid colour!

  5. Susan says:

    Solid colour polish – it’s easier to touch up when I scrape it off. 🙂

  6. kimber says:

    while there’s nothing wrong with a great French manicure, I love my nails short with a edgy color. I love my grey’s and deep reds, even black all the way to a girlie ballet pink. Love the idea of matching to my gloves, can’t wait to cast on.

  7. KatieAnne says:

    Short and solid!

  8. macfsh says:

    I prefer solid colour for sure.

  9. Catherine says:

    Solid colour for me!

  10. Melinda Kinnane says:

    I definitely prefer solid polish as that means I can colour coordinate with my outfits. I’m obsessed with colour coordination, so the Soak boxes sound perfect!

  11. Meagan MacKenzie says:

    Solid colour and scentless soak!

  12. Liz says:

    I prefer a solid color, but I love the look of a bold, creative French manicure

  13. Linda says:

    I prefer a solid color for my finers and toes!

  14. Kristin says:

    I prefer french manicures!

  15. Solids, the brighter the better!

  16. Mary Fran says:

    I like French manicures – so clean and light!

  17. Lynette says:

    I prefer the solid colors…they last a much longer time than French manicures (IMO). And that red is divine! 😉

  18. Kim D. says:

    Solid colors, because I’m a lazy bum. 😉

  19. Ruby says:

    French manicure

  20. jackie murton says:

    Solid…I’m just that boring;-)

  21. I like both. I’ve even done a french manicure with crazy colors. I just like to mix things up. 🙂

  22. Christine says:

    Solid color – easier to touch up!!!

  23. Sheila says:

    I generally don’t paint my nails at all. If I do, I guess I go for a fun color.

  24. I do love French manicures, especially since I keep my nails so short.

  25. gussek says:

    Solid color. French manicure looks nice, but it’s too hard to do! thanks!

  26. I love French manicures but mostly do my own manis and use a solid color!

  27. Michelle says:

    I’m another person who uses solid colors – although Pinterest has me pinning all sorts of crazy nail designs!

  28. Colleen says:

    Solid colors! I really like to make sure my nails LOOK painted when they are. I don’t paint them that often.

  29. Kay Nysse says:

    Solid colors!

  30. Kathy Beaumont says:

    I like darker solid colors–hides the dirt better.

  31. Jen says:

    I go with solid colors, my nails are super short because I’m a bassoonist, and long nails get in the way of making music.

  32. Leigh Anne Staton says:

    Solid color for sure !

  33. KarenVR says:

    I like a solid color on my nails. Usually a shade of red or burgandy. 🙂

  34. Sue Bryan says:

    I like solid colour 🙂

  35. I’m a solid color kinda girl. French just isn’t me, besides it probably wouldn’t last 24 hours. LOL

  36. I like solid colors 🙂 Especially blue or purple!

  37. Linda says:

    I like solids best, preferably wines and purples.

  38. Bonney says:

    I’ve never had a french manicure but I love my solid color!

  39. I don’t use nail polish at all, so I prefer neither. On others, I think french mostly looks better.

  40. Claudia Wood says:

    I love the look of the French manicure, but I usually do a solid color.

  41. Jamie says:

    Solid! French manicure creeps me out

  42. Kat says:

    Solid colors for me.

  43. Carol says:

    I don’t wear nail polish, but, if I did, I would have a French manicure.

  44. Wendy says:

    I prefer solid colours.

  45. Melody Bryan says:

    I usually use a very light clearish type polish that mimics the effect of french without the fuss of having to paint the white stripe – thanks for the opportunity at the giveaway

  46. Jane says:

    Definitely solid color!

  47. Samantha W. says:

    I like how solid colors make a bold statement. French manicures are lovely but are too formal/delicate looking on my hands. I have my moms hands; which are hard working, little on the rough side, not afraid to get dirty kind of hands. So this kit will go to good use… maybe it will lead to a french manicure…hhhmmm……….

  48. Carolyn Gifreda says:

    I like light colored solids. I’ve never done a French manicure, but i might like that too!

  49. Susan says:

    Solid colour without question. Anything else just looks unfinished.

  50. Judy says:

    Solid color. Guess it’s a bit dated, but it looks best to me.

  51. D'Arcy L.J. White says:

    I love solid colours definitely.

  52. megan says:

    I tend not to get my nails done as they just chip off right away. But when I do, i tend to do all over fun colors, and i just do them my self.

  53. Denise Whiting says:

    Solid colors!

  54. Lynda Franczek says:

    I’m a solid color kind of lady!!

  55. Heather deHaan says:

    Absolutely …. SOLID colors!!!

  56. Janetbob says:

    Solid for me, but if ther is a new kit coming to match a French mani, I might be converted!

  57. Kristin says:

    I will vote solid color!!

  58. Kimberly says:

    French manicure on my hands, solid color on my feet.

  59. Kathy says:

    solid color for me

  60. Deborah says:

    I never get my nails done… I keep them as short as I can

  61. nannyjean says:

    I do my own and I like solid color and round nails.

  62. Dawn Taylor says:

    French is preferred esp the airbrushed versions 🙂

  63. Nellie Zylstra says:

    French manicure – so classy.

  64. mlduthie says:

    Solid colour for me.

  65. Ashley says:

    Definitely solid colors for me!

  66. I like a natural look, so prefer a French manicure.

  67. Amber says:

    These boxes are so cool….I would love to have one!

    • Amber says:

      I was so caught up in the pretty I forgot to answer the question…solid color for me : )

  68. Jennifer Atkinson says:

    Definately french manicure for em. Love your soak product btw.

  69. Pamela says:

    Solid, short, and sassy!

  70. JudyAnn says:

    Solid most of the time—French when I travel!

  71. joanie says:

    On blogger and facebook at that address
    Love your product and suggest it to students when i have sample sizes i like to gift them to new knitters

    Love to have a win see you in rhinebeck

  72. Kendraja says:

    Solid color and usually a color with glitter or personality!

  73. robin says:

    I love a solid light natural shade

  74. Dorathy Martel says:

    Solid and neutral on fingers; solid and garish on toes.

  75. Joy says:

    I prefer a solid dark colour on my fingernails and toenails. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway.

  76. Mimi says:

    I like solid colors since my nails tend to be cut short.

  77. Vasiliki says:

    I like solid colors – especially purple!

  78. Corlene says:

    I like both but if I had to choose one I would go with solid.

  79. Solid color, changed often. On short nails.

  80. Kelly says:

    I love the french manicure.

  81. Myriam says:

    Solid colour for me.

  82. Rachel says:

    Oh, I want one of these soakboxes so bad! It may be a little outdated but I love a good French manicure. 🙂

  83. Kim says:

    Hard question! I love the subtle sophistication of a french mani but I really dig wild solid opaque colors as well. Hmmm. I think I’ll go with solid.

  84. Andrea Lyn says:

    I usually do at least two solid colors in every manicure. Sometimes you just get bored having 10 identical nails, so you need at least two or four that are another coordinating shade, ha. I like the look of french manicures, but never got the hang of doing it myself.

  85. Lynn says:

    Definitely french manicure! Would love to have this done more often. However, horse business negates the nice nails quickly!

  86. eileen says:

    french manicure goes with everything … but the combo, nails & yarn, what a finish!

  87. Emily says:

    Solid color all the way! French manicure just isn’t me.

  88. Mary H says:

    I have never had a french manicure. I have always had solid colours.

  89. Sara says:

    I prefer french manicure, but only when I get my nails done. I personally don’t have the talent to do anything but solid colors myself.

  90. Dana says:

    Definitely solid colors!

  91. Chelsey says:

    French manicure is my favorite!

  92. Melissa says:

    French manicures- I love the natural look.,

  93. Cassandra Tomlinson says:

    Solid color

  94. Beth Ferstl says:

    I prefer solid color and I totally want a Soakbox!!!! My LYS got them in last week and I payday can’t come soon enough!

  95. Susan says:

    Solid color ONLY!

  96. zabrina tocher says:

    love french manicure….but also love colours!

  97. guinevere says:

    I love French manicures, but only when I get them done. (Read: almost never.) I’m limited to color if it’s me doing them!

  98. blacktabi says:

    French manicure!

  99. […] the blog (clearly you know about it, as you’re already here!) As you may know we just ran a Soakbox contest, promoting our Knit-A-Long, leading up to the holiday. We asked a question. “What is […]