Soakboxes: knit-a-longs, magazines and manicures

Working on something special this fall? How are those hands holding up? It’s time to put down your needles and pick up a Soakbox. What’s that you ask?
Lace Kelly getting polished #2

Soak, Handmaid luxury hand creme, nail polish and custom dyed to match yarn. Who could ask for anything more? Ask for them by name, get one at your LYS. They’re everywhere! (or have your LYS get in touch with us if they don’t stock them yet)
We’ve got some great things brewing related to our Soakboxes this holiday season. Watch for knit-a-longs, tutorials, give-aways and Ravelry updates about each design.
If you spot someone knitting Soakboxes, do let us know. We’re gathering images, feedback and manicure shots!

Looking for more about Soakboxes? Want to blog yourself? Here are some fun links. Check out Annie’s blog. Meet Natalie. Hello Knitty! They are also featured in the holiday issue of Knit Simple magazine (we’re super proud)

Our website is stacked wtih new products for all your holiday needs. From stocking stuffers (Handmaid anyone?) to full bottles of Soak, we’ve got your holiday gift giving all sorted out.

 Applying Handmaid creme #1

As for Soakboxes, here are some holiday ideas to start you off. There’s still time to knit before the holiday season!

  • Knit up the knits and put them back in the box for a great gift for the non-knitter in your life (if you can resist them yourself!)
  • Host a manicure & knit night with friends. Bring some bubbly and knit all night long.
  • Have your LYS host a class around Soakboxes.  

Have you knit all four yet?

 Soakbox: may your nails match your knits. #6